Procurement opportunities
Below you will find key information relating to business opportunities with SEforALL.
If you are interested in submitting a bid for a specific procurement opportunity, please see the terms of reference and bidding documents. SEforALL does not charge a fee for receiving bidding documents.
Please note that the content of SEforALL’s bidding documents may change prior to the deadline for submission of bids. Any such amendment will be posted on the website and will be binding on all bidders. Hence, if you intend to submit a bid for a specific procurement opportunity, you are kindly advised to regularly check this website for any amendments or clarification notices issued to the bidding documents and terms of reference.
Bidders are advised that the SEforALL does not use procurement agents. Any approach by a third party claiming to be official representatives to SEforALL should be reported to the relevant SEforALL procurement staff immediately.
Important legal notice
SEforALL reserves the right to accept or reject any bid, and to annul, in whole or in part, or to suspend the bidding process and reject all bids at any time prior to contract award, without incurring any liability to the affected bidder or bidders, or any obligation to inform the affected bidder or bidders of the reasons for SEforALL’s action.