24/7 Carbon-free Energy Compact
The 24/7 Carbon-Free Energy (CFE) Compact is an ambitious global effort to accelerate the decarbonization of the world’s electricity systems to mitigate climate change, to enable organizations to meet their full electricity demand with carbon-free resources and ensure access to clean and affordable electricity for all, in line with SDG7.
In response to the urgent need to drive rapid decarbonization across the global economy, Sustainable Energy for All worked with a group of energy buyers, energy suppliers, governments, system operators, solutions providers, investors and other organizations and joined hands together to accelerate the decarbonization of electricity grids by adopting, enabling, and advancing 24/7 Carbon-free Energy (CFE).
The 24/7 CFE Compact was launched at the High-Level Dialogue on Energy, held by UN Energy in September 2021, and officially announced as an Energy Compact commitment to the United Nations. 24/7 Carbon-free Energy (CFE) means that every kilowatt-hour of electricity consumption is met with carbon-free electricity sources, every hour of every day, everywhere. It is both the end state of a fully decarbonized electricity system, and a transformative approach to energy procurement, supply, and policy design that is critical to accelerating its arrival.
The 24/7 CFE Compact works as a one-stop coalition of several which includes companies, policymakers, investors, cities, nations, NGOs, the private sector, and other entities. The compact advocates for policy change and policy reform, inspires and enables its partners to meet their total electricity demand with carbon-free resources - every hour, every day, everywhere.
The 24/7 Carbon-free Energy Compact is a set of principles and actions that stakeholders across the energy ecosystem can commit to in order to drive systemic change. Due to the remarkable ongoing progress in clean energy and enabling technologies, the transition to a fully decarbonized electricity sector is possible. For more information about the 24/7 Carbon Free Energy Compact please visit GoCarbonFree.com.
If your organization or government is interested in signing the Compact, please reach out to energycompact@seforall.org. To learn more about the growing movement for 24/7 Carbon-Free Energy, please sign up for updates here.
More on the 24/7 Carbon-free Energy Compact

23 May 2024

12 Mar 2024

16 Feb 2024

Press release
05 déc 2023