AMR 23

Annual Monitoring Review 2023: Executive Summary

Monitoring and evaluation review
AMR 23

In the final year of our 2021-2023 Business Plan, SEforALL saw significant results due to all the groundwork laid during the first years of this business cycle.  Unwavering dedication to our strategic goals over the last three years, with refinements to our approach based on learnings, has been noted as a key ingredient to some of the most significant results achieved to date.  In 2023, our work continued to focus on four key thematic areas: Energy Diplomacy and Advocacy, Energy Access and Closing the Gap, Energy Transitions and Climate, and the Intersection of SDG7 with other SDGs. In parallel to successful progress made, learnings from the last three years of implementation have strategically guided our 2024-2026 Strategic Plan.


Highlights from the entire 2021-2023 Business Plan appear here in the Executive Summary, along with final key performance indicator (KPI) results at cross-organization and programme levels, as these high-level achievements are a result of all the hard work over the last three years.

High-Level Results

All of our programmatic and thematic level achievements are aggregated further towards our cross-organizational KPIs, which have been overachieved across the entire 2021-2023 Business Plan targets.

Thematic Area Overview

Advocacy and Diplomacy


Energy Compacts


SDG7 Pavilion at COP


Advocacy and Advisory

convention coordination

Advocacy and Advisory

Energy Access and Closing the Gap


Results-Based Financing

data evidence

Integrated Energy Access Plans

Energy Transitions and Climate


Energy Transition and Investment Plans


Carbon Markets and Renewables


Sustainable Cooling

Intersection with other SDGs

powering healthcare

Powering Healthcare


Women and Youth at the Forefront


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In-Country Support