Key findings of Chilling Prospects: Tracking Sustainable Cooling for All 2019

15:00 CET
21 Nov 2019
16:00 CET
21 Nov 2019

The world is getting hotter and drier. Climate impacts are being universally felt through extreme weather events, and every year the situation becomes more dire. Therefore, in 2018 and 2019, the issue of cooling and how we deliver it affordably and sustainably has emerged as a priority climate change and development issue. In a warming world, access to sustainable cooling is an issue of equity that underpins the ability of millions to realize the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), and we must deliver it in a manner consistent with the Paris Agreement and the Kigali Amendment to the Montreal Protocol.

Chilling Prospects: Tracking Sustainable Cooling for All 2019 is a follow-up to Chilling Prospects: Providing Sustainable Cooling for All, the first report to define and quantify the magnitude of the global cooling access challenge, including an assessment of 52 countries facing the biggest risks, measured by extreme heat, food losses, and damaged or destroyed vaccines and medicines. The 2019 report serves as a status update. It profiles fast action in access to cooling, provides an update on global access to cooling gaps, and provides policymakers, the private sector and development financiers with tools and guidance on how to accelerate progress on areas of priority.