SEforALL at G20 Energy Transition and CEM15/MI-9 Meetings

06:00 ADT
30 Sep 2024
15:00 ADT
05 Oct 2024


Time and Venue


30 September – 2 October

Indications on dates and locations here

6th G20 Energy Transition Working Group Meeting

1 October

14.00 – 17.00 BRT

Mabu Hotel, Santiago Room

Clean Cooking: At The Intersection Of A Just And Sustainable Energy Transition

  • Session 1: Technical Meeting on Industry and Market Development

  • Session 2: Technical Meeting on Bridging the Knowledge Gap in Clean Cooking

Organizers: G20 Brazil, ESMAP/World Bank, IEA, SEforALL

Open to G20 accredited delegations

2 October

14:00 – 15:00 BRT

Mabu Hotel, Asunción Room

Keep Cool: Deploying and Investing in Highly Efficient Innovative Cooling Solutions for All

Organizers: Government of India, UNEP, SEforALL

Public event, for CEM15/MI-9 delegates.

2 October

15:15-16:15 BRT

Mabu Thermas Hotel, Asunción Room

Time 4 Finance: Mobilizing Investment for Clean Energy in the Global South

Organizers: CEM & MI Side-event organized by World Economic Forum & Global Renewables Alliance

Closed-door event

2 – 5 October

Indications on sessions and location here

2024 Global Climate Action Partnership

3 October

9:00 – 10:15 BRT

Mabu Thermas Grand Resort, Plenary Room

High-level CEM-MI Ministerial Day

  • Opening of the CEM15/MI-9 Ministerial Meeting and welcome remarks

  • Showcase on 15 years CEM and MI's Mid-Decade of Action

Ministerial-level attendance only

3 October

12:30 – 14:30 BRT

Mabu Thermas Grand Resort

Brazil-Africa Energy Transitions Ministerial Dialogue: South-South Cooperation For Just & Equitable Energy Transitions

Organizers: Ministry of Mines and Energy of Brazil and Sustainable Energy for All

Closed-door event. Ministerial-level attendance only

4 October

9:00 – 12:30 BRT

Bourbon Cataratas Hotel, Plenary room

Energy Transition Ministerial Meeting

Ministerial Plenary

Open to G20 accredited delegations

4 October

16.00 – 17.30 BRT

Bourbon Cataratas Hotel

G20 Energy Transitions Ministerial Meeting

Clean Cooking: At The Intersection of a Just And Sustainable Energy Transition

Session 3: Ministerial Meeting – High-level Dialogue

Organizers: G20 Brazil – ESMAP/World Bank – IEA – SEforALL

Closed-door. Ministerial-level attendance only