Video: Ahmedabad Heat Action Plan

SDG7 News

Ahmedabad's Heat Action Plan is a Seven for 7 honoree, Sustainable Energy for All's recognition for global leaders in the sustainable energy movement.

With 6.4 million people, Ahmedabad in western India is the seventh-largest urban area in India. When in May 2010 over 1,300 people died in a heatwave, the municipal council decided to act. Ahmedabad was the first city in South Asia to design and implement a heat action plan. This was done in coordination with the Indian Institute of Public Health, the US-based Natural Resources Defense Council, and other groups and NGOs.

The plan's primary objective is to alert those populations most at risk of heat-related illness that extreme heat conditions either exist or are imminent. An early warning system is being used during heat waves, accompanied by a public education campaign about how to avoid harm from excessive heat.

Since the plan was launched in 2013, more activities were added, such as the greater use of cool roofs and training for medical professionals to identify and treat victims of extreme heat.

Ahmedabad not only saved thousands of lives, but it also led the way for many other Indian cities as 30 cities in 11 states have now adopted similar plans.

Find out more about the 2019 Seven for 7 honorees.






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