Case studies
We work internationally with a range of partners to support sustainable progress on energy, development and climate outcomes in concert.
You can download short case studies below that describe some of the initiatives we have undertaken or launched recently, how we work towards impact, and the results that we are seeing.

Energy planners from Ghana, Kenya, Madagascar, Malawi, Mozambique, Nigeria, Rwanda, Senegal, and Uganda received specialized trainings on how to manage and apply geospatial data to bolster energy access planning efforts in their countries.

Mini-grid projects supported by grants from our Universal Energy Facility (UEF) have already connected households and businesses with clean and sustainable electricity.

A new programme offered by the Universal Energy Facility (UEF) offers results-based grants to clean energy companies that electrify businesses and other services with solar and storage solutions for replacing polluting generators.

A partnership between SEforALL and technology company IBM is establishing an open-source planning tool that provides better data to energy planners and decision-makers.

The Malawi Integrated Energy Planning Tool offers in-depth data and insights to inform the country’s efforts to advance the sustainable development of clean energy solutions to close the energy access gap.

The Nigeria Energy Transition Plan has been adopted as national policy and is the framework for the country to achieve universal energy access and net-zero emissions.

The Africa Carbon Markets Initiative (ACMI) is laying the groundwork to channel more innovative climate finance into clean energy projects and other climate change mitigation efforts on the continent.

Our Renewable Energy Manufacturing Initiative (REMI) is helping countries build up local industries for clean energy technologies to improve energy security and job creation.

The 24/7 Carbon-Free Energy Compact has solicited commitments from over 116 organizations and governments to decarbonize their electricity consumption.

A new government-backed Energy Transition and Investment Plan will lay out strategies and policies needed to reach Barbados’ climate and economic objectives in concert.

The Sierra Leone Healthcare Electrification Project has already deployed solar PV and battery storage systems to improve the reliability of electricity supplies at six hospitals, with more health facilities to come.