Energy Compact Action Network
In 2022, the Energy Compact Action Network was launched to match commitments made through the Compacts by pairing offers of support with requests for support towards enabling these entities to achieve their stated goals.
The Energy Compact Action Network (ECAN), a multi-stakeholder mechanism led by UN-Energy, has brought together the Energy Compact community, identifying the opportunities for various partners of the community to work together to achieve the commitments they have made in a more efficient and timely manner.
In addition to this, UN-Energy, through the Energy Compact Action Network, also monitors progress on individual and multi-party Compacts, to identify levers of success as well as opportunities for collaboration and support, and to recognize gaps that require additional action from existing and new Compact
Member states and non-state actors, such as companies, regional/local governments, NGOs and others have submitted more that 200 Energy Compacts
Government commitments
Private sector commitments
Catalytic Partnerships (Leveraged outcomes)
The Energy Action Compact Network is the only global platform that brings together offers of support and requests for support on SDG7 from all stakeholders, and across different areas of the energy transition – such as energy access, efficiency and technology – creating opportunities for collaboration between stakeholders seeking similar outcomes all across the globe.