Mother with child in the heat

Cooling topic: Gender and access to cooling

The section provides an overview of the factors of vulnerability that put poor women and men in an increasingly dangerous position due to the gender-related challenges for equitable access to cooling. Gender-based cooling needs and heat-related risks are the results of multiple interacting vulnerabilities.

The Chilling Prospects 2023 analysis revised figures utilized for the 2030 forecast on the basis of newly available data on poverty, including the World Bank’s revision of the international poverty line from USD 1.90 to USD 2.15 per day and improvements in data availability for India and several West African countries. For the most up-to-date estimates of sex-disaggregated data, please visit Chilling Prospects 2023.

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Chilling Prospects Special: Gender and Access to Cooling


Cooling for All and Gender: Towards Inclusive, Sustainable Cooling Solutions
