UN Foundation's investment portal - showcasing $1 billion opportunity to invest in energy access
As a follow up to the announcement of the publication of the United Nations Foundation's Energy Access Practitioner Network "Investing in Energy Access: 2015 Directory of Funding and Investment Opportunities", UNF announced that the online Investment Portal is now also available www.energyaccess.org.
The directory and portal showcase individual and aggregated financing needs of some 210 Practitioner Network members operating at the forefront of the global off-grid energy sector, profiling a combined investment opportunity of over $1 billion needed to catalyze energy access in support of the Sustainable Energy for All goal of achieving universal access to modern energy services by 2030. Additionally, a special section profiling financing needs for mini-/micro-grid companies is also included.
Investors and other interested parties can make use of the online investment portal to filter the deals represented by participating members according to their investment criteria, as well as have access to a first order introduction to organizations of interest. The portal will be opened up for updates and new submissions regularly moving forward in order to capture real-time data on the evolving and growing investment needs in the energy access sector.
For more information please contact:
Yasemin Erboy Ruff
Officer, Energy and Climate
United Nations Foundation
1750 Pennsylvania Avenue NW, Suite 300
Washington, DC 20006
Photo credit: Power Africa