Sandrine Dixson-Dècleve to speak at Fourth Green Growth Knowledge Platform


Sandrine Dixson-Dècleve, Chief Partnerships Officer, Sustainable Energy for All, will be speaking at the Fourth Green Growth Knowledge Platform (GGKP) Annual Conference. This year's conference - being held from September 6th - 7th at the International Convention Center, Jeju Island, Republic of Korea - is entitled “Transforming Development through Inclusive Green Growth”. 

The Fourth GGKP Annual Conference will draw together leading global experts, academics, and practitioners to identify, discuss, and debate the latest research and policy solutions to ensure that the pursuit of green growth is equitable and inclusive. This year’s conference theme is “Transforming Development through Inclusive Green Growth.” It aims to strengthen efforts of the GGKP and its partners to promote stronger collaboration in the development of and knowledge sharing on pro- poor social inclusiveness as well as promote a more effective on-the-ground engagement and impact, particularly in developing countries and emerging economies.


"Advancing the Sustainable Development Goals and Paris Climate Agreement through Inclusive Green Growth"

2:30 pm , September 7th

As mentioned in the 2015 joint report by GGGI, IIED, and GEC, progress in poverty, environment, and growth has been driven largely separately. Major international platforms such as the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), Paris Agreement on Climate Change, and Addis Ababa Action Agenda on financing for development provide the international community with a tapestry of goals and road maps that more fully integrate inclusive green growth. Equity and inclusion are integral to half of the SDGs, and these commit countries to ending extreme poverty by 2030, and the Addis Ababa Action Agenda provides the path for financing these initiatives. The Paris Agreement likewise provides a mandate to take greater action to support the poorest and most vulnerable countries in the response to climate change. In the context of these international commitments, this panel takes a closer look at specific initiatives and approaches to making significant advances towards successful adoption of pro-poor socially inclusive green growth.


Mr. Per Bertilsson, Assistant Director-General, Green Growth Planning and Implementation Division, Global Green Growth Institute


  • Mr. Cesar V. Purisima, Former Secretary of Finance, Philippines

  • Dr. Mulugeta Mengist Ayalew, Director of Climate Change Affairs, Office of the Prime Minister, Ethiopia

  • Mr. Sameer Assaf, Advisor, Ministry of Climate Change and Environment, United Arab Emirates Ms. Sandrine Dixson-Dècleve, Chief Partnership Office, Sustainable Energy for All

For more information, please visit Green Growth Knowledge Platform