Light means: a safe delivery


The midwives in the Manyara region of Tanzania are volunteers. They coach expecting mothers through nutrition and personal care during their pregnancies. They assist during the first few months after birth, making sure families have access to support and advice. And they deliver babies. Whenever they’re called on, day or night. 

Solar light is an integral part of their work as midwives. Some of the homes they visit use kerosene lanterns. Some are lit by the unreliable electrical grid.

By bringing solar lamps with them, the midwives of Manyara are able to guarantee that they are delivering babies in clean, bright light. By charging their phones on portable solar units, they know the community can always reach them.

But just because the technology is important, doesn’t mean it’s always easy to get in rural Tanzania. By investing in solar entrepreneurs’ small businesses, your donation supports a lasting, sustainable market for solar and clean energy products even in the most remote corners of Tanzania, Uganda, and Nigeria. Women like the midwives in Manyara will have reliable access to the products they need to continue serving their communities.

Click here to read more about how Solar Sister is protecting women’s and children’s health by creating a deliberately woman-centered direct sales network to bring the breakthrough potential of clean energy technology to even the most remote communities in rural Africa.


Photo credit: Solar Sister