Going Further, Faster


On June 15, 2016, Sustainable Energy for All held a meeting of its Advisory Board in Brussels in order to introduce a new strategic framework that would drive action on the Sustainable Development Goals and the Paris Climate Agreement. The new framework, which ushers in a new period of action and policy development for SEforALL, aims to meet the dual energy challenge: how do we ensure modern, reliable energy access to all without contributing to climate change?

SEforALL has acknowledged that reducing the carbon intensity of energy while making it available to everyone requires a radical rethinking of the way the world produces, distributes, and consumes energy, and this is central to the newly introduced strategy. Of the new framework, UN Secretary-General and Co-Chair of the Advisory Board Ban Ki Moon said, “The new Sustainable Energy for All strategy provides a powerful tool for delivering on the promises of the Sustainable Development Goals and the Paris Agreement. Affordable, clean energy is the golden thread that links economic growth, increased social equity and a healthy environment”. World Bank President and Co-Chair Jim Kim praised SEforALL’s approach and willingness to act, saying, “To achieve universal access to clean, affordable energy we need to unlock hundreds of billions of dollar in finance. This can only happen if we take a truly innovative approach to building public-private partnerships and mobilizing investment. SEforALL is well positioned to be a critical player in expanding access clean and affordable energy to all”.

In order to meet the energy challenge, SEforALL has formulated a new strategy taking into account the Paris Agreement and SDG7, building closely onto SEforALL`s objectives of: ensuring universal access to modern energy services,to doubling the global rate of improvement in energy efficiency and to doubling the share of renewable energy in the global energy mix. In order for these objectives to be met before 2030 , SEforALL and its partners must begin a period of rapid, tangible action and innovation focusing on strategic impact in the years 2016-2021. The framework lays out points and information that will aid in driving action and discussion; including the development of tools such as “heat maps” and the mobilization of an estimated one trillion dollars annually.  The new strategy takes an inclusive, people-centered approach, allowing for the voices of minorities and the energy poor to be heard, and creates a space where new partnerships can be created, questions can be aired, solutions explored, and successes celebrated. The new strategy envisions direct engagement  with leaders in order to help them to make the best, most suitable choices on energy policy and action and encourage governments to take an “energy efficiency first” approach. Speaking at the Advisory Board Rachel Kyte, CEO and Special Representative of the Secretary-General to Sustainable Energy for All, summed up the new strategy and goals of the new framework thus, “We will empower leaders to go further, faster by brokering partnerships and unlocking finance. This will help us secure an energy transition that is clean, affordable and just-because no one must be left behind”.

For more information on SEforALL’s new strategy, read the official press release here