Global Tracking Framework report to launch at Forum
Now in its third edition, the Global Tracking Framework (GTF) is well-established as a global dashboard documenting progress towards the three Sustainable Energy for All objectives for 2030: universal access to energy, doubling both the rate of progress on energy efficiency, and the share of renewable energy in the global energy mix.
The previous version of the report concluded that we need to accelerate our efforts on each one of those fronts. How has the world fared since then?
Slated to be launched online and at the Sustainable Energy for All Forum in New York on Apr. 3, GTF 2017 features updates on those topics and takes a closer look at underlying regional trends and country stories.
Wherever possible, consultation processes conducted in each region, allowed national level policy makers to preview the release of the data and contribute to the emerging storyline.
The report, funded by the Energy Sector Management Assistance Program (ESMAP), was produced jointly with the International Energy Agency (IEA), and in partnership with 20 agencies active in the energy space, including five United Nations Regional Economic Commissions – ECLAC, ESCAP, ESCWA, UNECA and UNECE.