Business and Climate Summit 2016

The 2016 Business and Climate Summit will bring together leaders from business, government and finance to deliver real climate action. Building on the overwhelming success of last year’s event which boasted some of the world’s most influential CEOs and policymakers, the Summit will set out a roadmap for how business, in the short, medium and long term, can take advantage of a swift transition to the net zero carbon economy. Convened by The Climate Group and We Mean Business, supported by International Chamber of Commerce, The City of London Corporation, United Nations Global Compact France, World Economic Forum Global Project on Climate Change, World Business Council for Sustainable Development and EPE - Entreprises pour l’Environnement - organizations working with millions of businesses around the world - Business & Climate Summit takes place at Guildhall in London on June 28-29, 2016. Rachel Kyte, CEO and Special Representative of the UN Secretary General for Sustainable Energy for All (SEforALL) will be delivering a keynote to kick-off the energy track of the "business and climate summit" on Tuesday, June 28.