Impacts and results
The Universal Energy Facility (UEF) provides results-based financing for verified energy connections across Africa. The programme’s mission is to speed up and scale energy connections while promoting market development required to achieve universal access by 2030.
The UEF is currently supporting mini-grid development in Benin, Madagascar and Sierra Leone and aims to expand to new markets in existing and additional geographies as it scales. This includes stand-alone solar for productive use (SSPU), solar home systems (SHS) and clean cooking solutions, over time.
The facility's key performance indicators (KPIs) are publicly reported on a regular schedule ranging from quarterly to annual depending on the frequency of data availability. Data indicating the UEF’s progress towards its goals and overall impact is carefully vetted by multiple systems and teams before publication. This includes remote verification conducted via the UEF Platform, triangulated with onsite verification, regular evaluations and systematic checks through our workflow management systems.
Finally, all data is vetted by SEforALL’s Monitoring, Evaluation and Learning (MEL) team, which verifies evidence and processes before approving data for publication.
Current impacts and results
The infographic below highlights the facility's most recent progress.
No. of verified mini-grid connections with power flowing
No. of people who have gained access to electricity
Megawatts of PV capacity installed
Funds disbursed by UEF (USD)
Capital leveraged (USD) *data is pending
Number of women customers connected
Average tons CO₂ emissions avoided or reduced per year
Number of SMEs electrified
Here is what people connected to mini-grids supported by the UEF are saying.
UEF News

09 Sep 2022

24 Aug 2022

28 Jan 2021

27 Jun 2019