Workshop - Access To Affordable, Reliable, Sustainable And Modern Energy: Progress and Perspectives for Madagascar

09:00 EAT
02 Jul 2024
17:30 EAT
02 Jul 2024
Hôtel Carlton – Salle Ravinala,
Antananarivo, Madagascar.

-- Attendance by invitation only --



In Madagascar in 2024, only 36% of the population has access to an electricity grid, while less than 12% of the population uses clean cooking technologies or improved cookstoves. The lack of reliable and affordable access to energy impacts crucial services such as the cold chain for agriculture, health and education, and remains a major barrier to the development of productive and industrial activities.

According to the State's general policy for accelerating development, the Malagasy government, through the New Energy Policy, plans to double energy production capacity by 2030, with a preponderant share of renewable energy (85%), to develop energy transport/distribution grid, to implement off-grid electrification solutions, and to promote access to clean sources of cooking in order to improve the well-being of the population and exploit the country's economic potential.

Since 2020, Sustainable Energy for All (SEForALL) has been working closely with the Ministry of Energy and Hydrocarbons to promote access to sustainable energy in Madagascar. SEforALL is an independent international organisation founded in 2012 as a United Nations initiative with a mandate to support global efforts towards Sustainable Development Goal 7 (SDG7) "Ensure access to affordable, reliable, sustainable and modern energy for all". Several programmes have been launched and are currently being implemented in Madagascar:

  1. Universal Energy Facility (UEF): Since 2020, UEF has been offering financial assistance in the form of a result-based finance grant to private operators. The programme is currently supporting the roll-out of 12,400 new electricity connections across 30 mini-grids. By June 2024, UEF will have disbursed $3.7 million for 5,640 connections already verified, with more than 65 tonnes of CO2 eq avoided per year. The verified connections benefit more than 28,000 people and 590 businesses in 26 municipalities. Of these connections, 79% are for residential use, 16% for commercial use and 5% for public use. The remaining 6,760 connections should be completed and verified by the end of 2024. The success of the programme has created opportunities for five new "conditionally approved" projects, totalling 3,210 connections and an additional pipeline of 12,523 new connections. If realised, this scale-up would provide electricity to more than 50,000 people, support 1,800 businesses and reduce CO2 emissions by around 1,455 tonnes eq. per year.
  2. Integrated Energy Planning (IEP): Since April 2023, SEforALL has been supporting the Government of Madagascar with Integrated Energy Planning (IEP) with the support from GEAPP and OPEC Fund. Based on geospatial modelling techniques, the IEP aims to provide all energy sector stakeholders with information to assess optimal technological solutions and investment requirements to expand energy access in three related areas: (i) Electrification (ii) Clean cooking and (iii) Cold chains for agricultural and medical purposes. The final versions of the analytical reports and the online data platform will be officially launched during the workshop and will be available online from 2 July 2024!
  3. Powering Social Infrastructures: With the support from GEAPP, the "Market Assessment and Roadmap for Powering Healthcare facilities in Madagascar" was carried out in 2023/2024 and officially launched in March 2024.
    This workshop is jointly organized by the Ministry of Energy and Hydrocarbons and SEforALL to present improvements and way forward in sustainable energy access in Madagascar.


The workshop is addressed to participants from energy sector institutions (government, technical and financial partners, private sector, civil society, universities) and other public bodies involved in drawing up Madagascar's Integrated Energy Access Plan (IEAP) (including ministries in charge of for the environment, public health, agriculture, fisheries and industrialization, among others).


The objectives of the workshop are to:

  • Share the government's priorities on access to energy;
  • Official launch of the Madagascar's Integrated Energy Access Plan (IEP);
  • Share progress on electrification through mini grids supported by the Universal Energy Facility (UEF);
  • Discussing the specific features of electrification of public infrastructure (health/schools);
  • Promote exchanges and networking between technical and financial partners, members of the government, the private sector and civil society involved in the energy sector.

Indicative Agenda


Arrival and welcome reception
09:30-09:45Introduction remarks
09:45-10:30Session 1: Panel Discussion – Priorities and future of energy access in Madagascar
10:30-11:00Coffee break / Press conference / Networking
11:00-12:30Session 2: Official launch of the Madagascar Integrated Energy Access Plan
12:30-13:30Lunch break
13:30-14:45 Session 3: Mini grids in Madagascar – Upscale and innovation
14:45-15:00Coffee break
15:00-16:00 Session 4: Powering Social Public Infrastructure (Healthcare facilities and schools) 
16:00 -16:10 Closing remarks
16:10-17:30Closing cocktail / Networking

Other Information

Participation in this event is by invitation only. 

In-person participation is prioritized but please note that participation in only selected sessions and / or online participation are also possible:

a. Zoom link for online participation:

  • Link: 
  • ID of meeting: 878 5003 8320
    Password: please reach out to to consult the password

b. Live English - French / French - English translation service will be provided.

c. Link to access the online open data IEP Platform:

  • Link:


