WHO Global Conference on Air Pollution and Health

All day
30 Oct 2018
All day
01 Nov 2018
WHO Headquarters, Geneva, Switzerland

The conference will bring together global, national and local partners to share knowledge and mobilize action for cleaner air and better health globally. The conference will update the evidence on the health impacts of air pollution; methods of monitoring pollution and health exposures; and tools for assessing and implementing effective interventions. It will support strong health sector leadership for change, in partnership with other sectors. Cities and countries will be invited to join the BreatheLife campaign and commit to reducing air pollution by 2030 in line with WHO Air Quality Guidelines. Global attainment of the air quality guideline levels indoor and outdoor could prevent millions of deaths every year.

Participants will include: Ministers of Health, Ministers of Environment and other national government representatives; representatives of intergovernmental agencies, health professionals, other sectors (e.g. transport, energy, etc.), as well as from research, academia and civil society.

The conference will also advance collaborations between WHO and sister UN agencies. A broad and inclusive process will be conducted ahead of the conference, where experts and representatives from relevant organizations and agencies will be consulted on the conference objectives and how they can contribute to the event.