When the Smoke Clears: Delivering on the Sustainable Development Goals and the Paris Agreement through Clean Cooking

13:00 UTC
23 May 2016
14:30 UTC
23 May 2016
Nairobi, Kenya

The Global Alliance for Clean Cookstoves is organizing an official side event at the second United Nations Environment Assembly (UNEA) in Nairobi, Kenya.

The use of solid fuels in open fires and traditional stoves for cooking is one of the world’s most pressing health and climate issues, directly impacting close to half the world’s population and leading to more than four million premature deaths each year. Inefficient cooking is also a root cause of poverty, poor health, gender inequality, deforestation and environmental degradation, air pollution, and climate change. Indeed, these dangerous cooking practices contribute up to 25% of global black carbon emissions.

Clean cooking will help bring about strong, tangible results across the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) as well as global climate and environment objectives. Now that the international community has signed up to accomplishing the SDGs and combatting climate change, we must employ the most effective, scalable interventions that will deliver cross-cutting impacts.

Join the Global Alliance for Clean Cookstoves and its partners to learn about how we can accelerate growth in the clean cooking sector to produce the most transformative co-benefits for health and the environment, as well as gains for women’s empowerment and improved livelihoods.

The event will consist of an expert panel session. Panelists will discuss the evidence base supporting the role that clean cooking can play in delivering the SDGs and the Paris Agreement, highlight case studies of successful cookstove and fuel interventions, and the various (health, environment/climate, gender, economic) benefits that can be expected from these programs.


List of Speakers:

Daniel Wanjohi, Regional Market Manager, Global Alliance for Clean Cookstoves

Sunday Leonard, PhD, Science Programme Officer, Climate and Clean Air Coalition

Dr. Hayalnesh Tarekegn, Program Officer on Pneumonia and Diarrhea Child Health, United Nations Children Fund

Ralph Sims, Director, Centre for Energy Research at Massey University, and member, Scientific and Technical Advisory Panel of The Global Environment Facility

Jessie Durrett, Senior Program Associate, Global Alliance for Clean Cookstoves


For more information, please contact: Jessie Durrett, Senior Program Associate at the Global Alliance for Clean Cookstoves, at jdurrett@cleancookstoves.org

UNEA website: http://web.unep.org/unea

Full list of side events: http://web.unep.org/unea/side-events