Peer Workshop For Energy Auditors And Energy Efficiency Practitioners

08:30 EAT
12 Jun 2024
13:00 EAT
12 Jun 2024
Strathmore Business School, Nairobi, Kenya.



Kenya’s transition to green economic development prioritizes the utilization of renewable energy, promotion of energy efficiency and reduction of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. Energy efficiency plays a critical role in reducing energy consumption per unit of production resulting in increased competitiveness, reduction in GHG emissions, increased energy security and creation of sustainable jobs for economic development.

The Energy Act, 2019 mandates Energy and Petroleum Regulatory Authority (“Authority”) to, among other roles, coordinate the development and implementation of national energy efficiency and conservation programs. The Authority currently regulates energy efficiency in designated facilities (facilities consuming more than 180,000 kWh, both thermal and electrical energy, annually) through the Energy (Energy Management) Regulations 2012. 

Success of energy efficiency programs in the designated facilities largely depends on the quality of energy audits. The Authority has implemented several measures to improve the quality of energy audits conducted by licensed auditors. These initiatives include: periodic capacity building and peer review workshops for energy auditors, desktop review of submitted audit reports and providing feedback to auditors, carrying out quality control audit exercises where works carried out by auditors are sampled and a site visit made to ascertain the quality, among others. Whereas most of the energy audit reports submitted to the Authority are of good quality, there are some that require improvements.  

The Authority, in conjunction with Sustainable Energy for All (“SEforALL”), has therefore organised a half-day peer workshop for energy auditors and energy efficiency practitioners. 


The overall objective of this peer workshop is to provide a forum for participants to exchange ideas on the best practices in carrying out energy audits and emerging trends in the energy efficiency and conservation subsector. The specific objectives include:
i.    Peer exchange on best practices in undertaking energy audits.
ii.    Introduction of the Authority’s new Energy Audits online submission portal.
iii.    Dissemination of findings of the Energy Auditors skills gap analysis assessment and analysis of energy conservation measures reports.

Targeted participants

The peer workshop targets to bring together 100 energy auditors and energy efficiency practitioners in Kenya. This peer workshop shall prioritise women and youth practitioners in the energy efficiency and conservation space.



TimeAgenda itemModerator
08:30 AMRegistration and Welcome 
09:00 AMPrayer and Introductions 
09:15 AM    

Opening Remarks:

  • EPRA
  • SEforALL (Slot for Mission Efficiency Video)
  • EPRA
  • SEforALL: EWC
09:30 AM    

Overview of energy audits in Kenya:

  • Best Practices in Energy Auditing
  • Analysis of energy conservation measures reports
  • Skills gap Assessment Report
10:30 AMBreakMission Efficiency Video
10:45 AMOnline Submission of Energy Audit ReportEPRA
11:15 AMPanel Discussions 
12:45 PMSummary and Closing Remarks 
01:00 PMLunch break 



