ONLINE LAUNCH: Ghana Energy Transition and Investment Plan

12:00 CEST
31 Jul 2024
12:45 CEST
31 Jul 2024

Ghana, like many countries in Africa, is vulnerable to the impacts of climate change. To turn the tide and take urgent climate action while ensuring green growth and energy security, Ghana has developed its Energy Transition and Investment Plan.

The Plan data-driven and provides Ghana a pathway to build climate resilience and transition to a low-carbon growth underpinned by renewables, electrification and energy efficiency. The Ghana Energy Transition and Investment Plan is ambitious; It aims to achieve net-zero carbon emissions by 2060.

The Energy Transition and Investment Plan is an important milestone for Ghana showing that climate action is not just an imperative but it can also be an opportunity to grow and develop a future that benefits everyone.

Ghana is ready for a net-zero future and clean energy investments. We urge you to join us in our journey for a more sustainable energy future for all.