Official Launch of the ‘Accelerating Building Efficiency in Cities: Eight Actions for Urban Leaders’ guidebook

15:00 UTC
11 May 2016
16:00 UTC
11 May 2016
University of Maryland, Washington, DC

More efficient buildings have benefits for both people and the planet. With buildings responsible for 32 percent of global energy consumption and a quarter of CO2 emissions, there is a huge, under-tapped opportunity to create more sustainable cities through building efficiency. More efficient buildings can create economic benefits, reduce environmental impacts and improve people’s quality of life.

The World Resources Institute, with a dozen partner organizations that assisted in the process, is launching a “Guidebook” designed to help connect urban leaders with stakeholders, policy options and programmatic efforts that can deliver better building efficiency outcomes to their citizens.

It covers 8 critical actions and policies, and incorporates a Johnson Controls-developed multi-stakeholder assessment tool to gather input from stakeholders on the actions they would prioritize to change building energy efficiency in the local market. The session will share lessons from city, business and technology leaders who will share their experiences implementing building efficiency in their cities.

To read the full publication please follow this link.