High-Level Signature Ceremony of Paris Agreement: Luncheon Event

13:15 UTC
22 Apr 2016
14:45 UTC
22 Apr 2016
New York, USA

UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon has invited all world leaders at UN Headquarters in New York for a High-Level signing ceremony for the agreement. The ceremony, on the first day the Agreement will be open for signatures, will also be the first opportunity for Governments to advance the progress to ratify and implement the Paris Agreement. At least 55 countries, representing at least 55 per cent of global greenhouse gas emissions, are needed to ratify the agreement before it can take legal effect. During the occasion of the signing ceremony, the UN Secretary-General will host a High-Level Luncheon bringing together Governments, business, investors, civil society and the UN to celebrate the adoption of the Agreement and demonstrate their support and commitment to deliver action that will help achieve the goals of the agreement.

Organized with the support of the UN Global Compact, the Luncheon will focus on the scale and pace of market transformations that are needed to achieve a safer, healthier and more prosperous future for all. The event will provide an opportunity for non-state actors and UN system officials to showcase how investment flows are being gradually redirected towards a low-carbon and resilient economy.

For more information on the event and the Signature Ceremony, please follow this link.