Eurelectric Annual Convention

All day
19 Jun 2017
All day
20 Jun 2017
This high level event is a unique networking opportunity for European and international power sector executives as well as business stakeholders and partners alike. Conference debates will focus on four distinct themes: -The Value of Electrification -Customers in a Digital and Electrified Society -Beyond Utilities -On the path to the 2050 Power System Why is electrification key to achieving a fully decarbonised society? What does the race to deliver value to customers mean for utilities? Where do costs lie in a sharing economy? Which incentives should be in place to maintain a user pays approach? What is the sector landscape in 2050? These are just some of the items that will be tackled over the two day event by high-calibre speakers in a mix of keynote speeches, interactive panel discussions and live demonstrations of new and upcoming products and technologies.