Clean Energy Ministerial 8

All day
06 Jun 2017
All day
08 Jun 2017
China will host the eighth Clean Energy Ministerial (CEM8) in Beijing, China, on 6–8 June 2017. The annual meeting of energy ministers and other high-level delegates from the 24 member countries and the European Union will provide an opportunity to leverage high-level political will and private sector leadership to drive ambitious, real-world clean energy policies and actions. The vision for the ministerial is to: Demonstrate and celebrate the “Revolution Now” of rapidly decreasing costs and increasing deployment of clean energy technologies and the national and global value propositions of economic opportunity, health and welfare, and energy security of the transition to modern, clean, and efficient energy. Deepen and broaden government participation and leadership in the CEM forum to drive greater progress in the global clean energy transformation. Strengthen action-oriented partnerships and collaborations with international organizations, business and industry, foundations, and others with aligned interests to raise the overall impact of all efforts. Launch new, high-impact CEM campaigns that tap into globally relevant and timely clean energy areas and that encourage concrete commitments from all CEM member governments, the private sector, and other partners. CEM8 will be co-located with the Second Mission Innovation Ministerial (MI-2). While the CEM will focus on scaling the deployment of clean energy technologies and solutions that are available today, MI will focus on scaling R&D for the new technologies of the future. Together, CEM and MI afford the world’s leading nations a robust platform for accelerating clean energy innovation and facilitating its uptake by a global market.