Clean Energy Ministerial 7 (CEM7)

08:30 UTC
01 Jun 2016
18:00 UTC
02 Jun 2016
San Francisco, California

The United States will host the seventh Clean Energy Ministerial (CEM7) in San Francisco, California, on June 1 & 2, 2016. The annual meeting of energy ministers and other high-level delegates from the 23 CEM member countries and the European Commission will provide an opportunity for the world’s largest and most forward leaning countries to collaborate on solutions that advance clean energy globally.

CEM7 will bring the global energy policymakers together with visionaries from the business and investment communities and other clean energy experts to drive high-impact, real-world action. Coming six months after the climate agreement was reached in Paris, this will be a critical meeting for demonstrating follow-up actions to the goals and commitments put forward.

In addition to ministerial working sessions and public-private roundtable discussions, CEM7 will feature a clean energy action day with opportunities for the energy ministers and business leaders to highlight ambitious clean energy efforts and announce new actions to help achieve national and global clean energy goals. CEM7 will also feature a two-day tented technology exhibit in San Francisco’s Union Square that will showcase clean energy technologies and innovative business models driving clean energy deployment around the world.

San Francisco and the broader Bay Area, which encompasses Silicon Valley, is recognized as a global hub of the clean energy industry and venture capital, and is the ideal place to host nations eager to accelerate the global clean energy revolution.