Accelerating Just and Equitable Energy Transitions in Small Island Developing States

16:00 AST
29 May 2024
17:30 AST
29 May 2024
Room 11, American University of Antigua
Jabberwock Rd, Osbourn.
Antigua & Barbuda

Revitalizing SIDS Economies for accelerated and sustainable growth



Small Island Developing States (SIDS) aspire to achieve a resilient form of prosperity that is reflected in healthy environments and sustainable development for all. However, this aspiration faces significant challenges. Being on the frontlines of climate change, SIDS experience some of the direst impacts, particularly floods and severe storms. They are also highly dependent on strategic imports including fossil fuels for power generation and transportation, leaving them highly vulnerable to external shocks. Transitioning to abundantly available domestic renewable energy sources is critical to enhance resilience while reducing carbon dioxide emissions in SIDS. While SIDS have made a collective commitment to achieve 100% renewable in their power mix by 2030 and net zero emission targets by 2050, lack of access to financing and investment from private and public funders is a significant barrier. Sustainable Energy for All (SEforALL) and development partners, including the Commonwealth Secretariat, have been collaborating on developing country-led, data-driven, energy transition and investment plans and business cases to support SIDS unlock the finance and investment required to achieve a rapid, just, equitable and secure energy transition.

Event description

The event will showcase the potential of transforming SIDS economies while also achieving sustainable energy access and transitioning to cleaner and more resilient energy systems. The format will consist of opening remarks, a brief scene-setting highlighting the need for country-led energy transition plans with highlights from the Barbados experience, followed by a panel discussion and Q&A with participants. The side event would draw on lessons learnt from the development of the Barbados Energy Transition and Investment Plan and explore emerging opportunities to support SIDS to identify new clean energy transition pathways aligned with their unique situations and support them in achieving their energy and climate targets as outlined in their NDCs and Energy Compact commitments.

Draft Agenda

4:00 – 4:05 Welcome and opening remarks Dr. Nicholas Hardman-Mountford, Commonwealth Secretariat (ComSec)
4:05 – 4:15Keynote address Ms. Lisa Cummins, Hon. Minister of Energy, Government of Barbados
4:15 – 4:25Presentation: Energy Transition and Investment Plans – Achieving sustainable energy access and transitioning to cleaner and more resilient energy systems in Small Island Developing States, drawing on examples from the Barbados experience SEforALL
4:25 – 5:05Moderated panel discussion Panellists: Government of Barbados Government of Vanuatu Government of Tonga Government of Dominica World Bank Commonwealth Secretariat Moderator: Sustainable Energy for All (SEforALL)
5:05 – 5:15 Questions/interventions from participants Participants/Panellists
5:15 – 5:25Reflections / Moderator to ask final reflections from the panellists Panellists
5:25 – 5:30Closing remarks UK FCDO


  • Sustainable Energy for All (SEforALL)


  • Government of Barbados, 
  • Government of Vanuatu, 
  • Commonwealth Secretariat, 


Ms. Divya Kottadiel, Sustainable Energy for All (SEforALL)